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stop munching my plums
3 August 2013, 15:05,
RE: stop munching my plums
That’s a question I've given a lot of thought too. It's not really a easy question to answer for most people, For me it's the fact my crops are invisible from the road, I've laid out the veggy garden at the back of the house in what was an old orchard and the old surrounding wall is still there. but in truth if I looked in after an "event" and a hungry kid was nicking my plums? other than shout, once you've been "discovered" it would be pretty near impossible to protect crops, you'd try, but if enough people given enough time?
So my answer would be make them invisible in any way you can. The way I would recommend is using varieties most people would not recognize as food plants. Pink Passion Chard is one, easy to grow and looks like a topical garden plant, try planting yellow carrots under the larger chard, set out as a flower border you could fill your garden with discreet veggies 99% of sheeple wouldn’t look twice at. Even Nasturtiums are testy in a salad, grow some coloured cauliflower be pink or green, looks weird but are fine to eat. Green peas mixed up with sweet peas, don’t forget the green pea shoot is a delicious early spring green veg and great for soup.

Anyway that’s my thought I'd be interested in some planting ideas if anybody’s done this sort of thing


Messages In This Thread
stop munching my plums - by Sunna - 3 August 2013, 10:25
RE: stop munching my plums - by bigpaul - 3 August 2013, 10:54
RE: stop munching my plums - by Mongrel - 3 August 2013, 15:05
RE: stop munching my plums - by Sunna - 3 August 2013, 17:04
RE: stop munching my plums - by Highlander - 3 August 2013, 20:41
RE: stop munching my plums - by Mortblanc - 4 August 2013, 00:02
RE: stop munching my plums - by Sunna - 3 August 2013, 21:48
RE: stop munching my plums - by Grumpy Grandpa - 4 August 2013, 04:45
RE: stop munching my plums - by Kenneth Eames - 4 August 2013, 05:58
RE: stop munching my plums - by Mortblanc - 4 August 2013, 06:04
RE: stop munching my plums - by bigpaul - 4 August 2013, 09:46
RE: stop munching my plums - by Highlander - 4 August 2013, 13:50
RE: stop munching my plums - by bigpaul - 4 August 2013, 13:57
RE: stop munching my plums - by Highlander - 4 August 2013, 13:59
RE: stop munching my plums - by Skean Dhude - 4 August 2013, 15:26
RE: stop munching my plums - by bigpaul - 4 August 2013, 14:04
RE: stop munching my plums - by Sunna - 4 August 2013, 15:59
RE: stop munching my plums - by bigpaul - 4 August 2013, 16:26

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