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stop munching my plums
4 August 2013, 13:50,
RE: stop munching my plums
(4 August 2013, 00:02)Mortblanc Wrote:
(3 August 2013, 20:41)Highlander Wrote: I doubt that we could do anything, once the plot has been found, they will take it if they can, you may be able to defend from one or two, but as word spreads that you have food, there will be no stopping them.

If you have a garden and stores, then it might be a good idea to sacrifice the garden, if they take that, they probably would not even think about stores,.. then when they have taken everything and moved on you can re-plant

They are going to call all their peeps on the cell phone (apparently theirs work when ours don't), come out and strip your food plots in your back garden while you watch, then move on and leave you unharmed?

Good luck with that!

(4 August 2013, 09:46)bigpaul Wrote: wildlife is one thing but people? after an event are you really going to let them leave unharmed and come back-probably with more people- to raid you again? not me.

after "the collapse" we will all have to be pro active not defensive, we have to take the fight to THEM not be on the back foot all the time...either that or BUG OUT to somewhere where they will never find us and start again.

I think that sometimes we all get a bit too gun ho about what we are capable of doing, we often tend to lean towards the American way when it comes to protecting what is any cost

The object of the exercise to to survive, and to do that you have to know when to fight and when not to fight

Depending on how many people you are, and how many people come to steal your crop you have to make a choice as to what to do.

Even you BP as big as you are will not be a match for several robbers, let alone a much smaller guy like me,.. so most of us have to loose something to win something, in this case I would be happier to see the scum bags take what they can find in my polly tunnel and leave my stores unfound,..thinking that they have everything,.. while I am on the hill watching,.. safe

In this area, where food will run out a lot quicker than in a town,.. they are not going to be coming back once they think that they have scoured the area

So come on guys lets try and be realistic or come the event there are going to be a few of us lying in the dirt

Unless you are MortBlance of course ...he has an armoury and is American
A major part of survival is invisibility.

Messages In This Thread
stop munching my plums - by Sunna - 3 August 2013, 10:25
RE: stop munching my plums - by bigpaul - 3 August 2013, 10:54
RE: stop munching my plums - by Mongrel - 3 August 2013, 15:05
RE: stop munching my plums - by Sunna - 3 August 2013, 17:04
RE: stop munching my plums - by Highlander - 3 August 2013, 20:41
RE: stop munching my plums - by Mortblanc - 4 August 2013, 00:02
RE: stop munching my plums - by Sunna - 3 August 2013, 21:48
RE: stop munching my plums - by Grumpy Grandpa - 4 August 2013, 04:45
RE: stop munching my plums - by Kenneth Eames - 4 August 2013, 05:58
RE: stop munching my plums - by Mortblanc - 4 August 2013, 06:04
RE: stop munching my plums - by bigpaul - 4 August 2013, 09:46
RE: stop munching my plums - by Highlander - 4 August 2013, 13:50
RE: stop munching my plums - by bigpaul - 4 August 2013, 13:57
RE: stop munching my plums - by Highlander - 4 August 2013, 13:59
RE: stop munching my plums - by Skean Dhude - 4 August 2013, 15:26
RE: stop munching my plums - by bigpaul - 4 August 2013, 14:04
RE: stop munching my plums - by Sunna - 4 August 2013, 15:59
RE: stop munching my plums - by bigpaul - 4 August 2013, 16:26

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