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stop munching my plums
4 August 2013, 15:59,
RE: stop munching my plums
ok put the boot on the other foot , if you were out looking for a free meal what would put you off.
for me getting caught /hurt /or even killed so for me if it looked to hard i would move on .

it must be the same rules for animals
Survive the jive (youtube )

Messages In This Thread
stop munching my plums - by Sunna - 3 August 2013, 10:25
RE: stop munching my plums - by bigpaul - 3 August 2013, 10:54
RE: stop munching my plums - by Mongrel - 3 August 2013, 15:05
RE: stop munching my plums - by Sunna - 3 August 2013, 17:04
RE: stop munching my plums - by Highlander - 3 August 2013, 20:41
RE: stop munching my plums - by Mortblanc - 4 August 2013, 00:02
RE: stop munching my plums - by Sunna - 3 August 2013, 21:48
RE: stop munching my plums - by Grumpy Grandpa - 4 August 2013, 04:45
RE: stop munching my plums - by Kenneth Eames - 4 August 2013, 05:58
RE: stop munching my plums - by Mortblanc - 4 August 2013, 06:04
RE: stop munching my plums - by bigpaul - 4 August 2013, 09:46
RE: stop munching my plums - by Highlander - 4 August 2013, 13:50
RE: stop munching my plums - by bigpaul - 4 August 2013, 13:57
RE: stop munching my plums - by Highlander - 4 August 2013, 13:59
RE: stop munching my plums - by Skean Dhude - 4 August 2013, 15:26
RE: stop munching my plums - by bigpaul - 4 August 2013, 14:04
RE: stop munching my plums - by Sunna - 4 August 2013, 15:59
RE: stop munching my plums - by bigpaul - 4 August 2013, 16:26

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