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Is it possible to stay put when you're near London?
8 August 2013, 21:46,
RE: Is it possible to stay put when you're near London?
Hi I found this article and it raised some good points, firstly a lot if not all of my ideas and points I am about to suggest are from NR, or off this site.

Firstly I think the biggest step you can make in prepping is simply to admit that “you need to prepare”

Like other people have said don’t let anything on this post put you off start small and build up.

If you ever need to bug out, your Bug Out Vehicle (BOV) becomes very important, current thinking on vehicles seems to be large, IE a four wheel drive or camper van, or the much smaller micro vehicles ideal for getting in between parked or abandoned vehicles and out of tight spots which I believe in a bug out situation, in a heavy built up area, where you currently live is well worth considering. People seem to recommend having them pointing in the correct direction you intend to bug out , and have it fully fuelled with spare fuel in the boot in metal jerry can/s a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, and full break down kit tow rope etc, and very well maintained. I would maybe consider a small micro car what you can get yourself the kids and your partner in and some bug out bags, but not much more.

I know you have been told the importance of having a plan and being very familiar with the roads in and out of your area, and having the correct maps.

Have you considered the contents of bug out bags for the kids and yourself, if anyone is on any sort of medication have you got some spare, to take and if anyone wears glasses have you spare. Have you spare clothes and shoes for your youngsters for your bug out bags, and what about keeping them happy when they are bored books etc, I could imagine a bag of sweets each for them may keep them happy and distracted in any unwanted situations. Could I recommend a torch for each bag, maybe a head torch to keep hands free and I like the small hand crank torches which you can operate one handed a couple of quid each from home base and dyers hard ware shops. Also a jacket for everyone, for rain and inclement weather, and a first aid kit for each bag, with food and water. Some cash also if cards and cash points become unusable

Have you considered a first aid course for yourself or partner?

Practice bugging out is worthwhile but so the kids don’t get concerned or upset, you could just call it days out or trips away, and have you considered hotels, holiday homes or camp sites as Bug Out Locations if the situation permits?

I hope your planning and prepping goes well.

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RE: Is it possible to stay put when you're near London? - by Spandex228 - 8 August 2013, 21:46

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