RE: Wash them
We changed all our weights and measures and drive on the wrong side of the road just to irritate you Brits. We also run race tracks the wrong way.
But we do have the ability to make the R sound in colouR!
BTW my spell check says that U is not needed.
Your spelling and grammar are derived from the Oxford English dictionary and American versions are derived from the Daniel Webster version, both done I the early 1800s.
Daniel Webster was a famous early American politician, statesmen and scholar.
Our spellings are specifically designed to restrict voting rights. We have very strange rules and requirements in our spelling so that phonics is disrupted. It kept poor people that could not attend formal school from passing the literacy tests required for voting.
Noah, Daniel and Merrium Webster were all the same New England clan.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.