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Garden Produce
11 August 2013, 22:08,
RE: Garden Produce
The polly tunnel has done us well so far, we have already been harvesting lettuce, carrots by the million, spring onions, peas, and onions, we have a good crop of brussel sprouts, cabbage, Brockly, and potatoes in containers... and we have broad beans growing outside,... where gaps have appeared because of harvesting we have re-seeded
A major part of survival is invisibility.

Messages In This Thread
Garden Produce - by Mortblanc - 11 August 2013, 19:11
RE: Garden Produce - by Sunna - 11 August 2013, 19:24
RE: Garden Produce - by MaryN - 11 August 2013, 20:31
RE: Garden Produce - by Tarrel - 11 August 2013, 21:00
RE: Garden Produce - by Highlander - 11 August 2013, 22:08

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