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Imagine a town with no water
20 August 2013, 16:16,
RE: Imagine a town with no water
My bad - should have stuck it in the scenarios section. It highlights possible danger from fracking as showing a goverment not caring as long as its making money. And on a personal note I felt well sorry for the townsfolk.

Messages In This Thread
Imagine a town with no water - by MCavity - 20 August 2013, 13:19
RE: Imagine a town with no water - by bigpaul - 20 August 2013, 13:31
RE: Imagine a town with no water - by Mortblanc - 20 August 2013, 13:52
RE: Imagine a town with no water - by MCavity - 20 August 2013, 16:16
RE: Imagine a town with no water - by BeardyMan - 20 August 2013, 16:21

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