(30 August 2013, 16:00)Lightspeed Wrote: (30 August 2013, 11:49)Skean Dhude Wrote: I'm always wary of the word investment. That implies a return which will only materialise if everything goes to pot. I prefer insurance because you do have to pay out and likelife insurance you can gain benefits by having it inthe first place.
Hi SD, no, I used the word investement intentionally.
I'm investing in my family's future
The foodstuffs and staples I stock are nearly always picked up when they are on special offer. Because without exception they have long shelf lives, by the time I consume them as part of the stock rotation the price of the items on the supermarket shelves has increased considerably. In fact the rate of increase in value of food stocked is a lot greater than 10% per year.....and there is no bank anywhere that will give me 10% on any savings at the moment.
So, provided you have the cash to spare and can set it aside in the form of non perishable foodstuffs you will indeed mage a gain in the classic NPV sense of the word!!
(30 August 2013, 12:15)Midnitemo Wrote: It exercises the grey matter and the body too but as far as i see it it's going to trash my wallet if i persue it to the lengths i feel it warrants.
Hi M,
Welcome to SUK
On the Berkefeld thread you showed an interest in purchasing one.
My one is extremely cost effective. we are using it for 100% of our drinking water. We have stopped purchasing bottled water entirely, and the saving made will pay for the water filter within 6 months. ( and in theory my water filter will continue filtering for the next 5 years at least, without further expenditure.
as water is so important it's jumped to the top of my shopping list...thanks for the info.