RE: A sign of things to come?
It does seem that on this Forum (I've never been on any others so I can't speak for them,) the police are often painted as the preppers' enemy, the bad guys. Personally, I don't see them that way. I'm sure that, as in all groups of fallible humans, there will be bad along with the good but I can't see that that automatically makes them worthy of the derision they seem to attract.
My experience, so far anyway, is that they are the good guys and I will continue to treat them, as I do everyone else, politely and with respect. That said, as I always told my sons, 'I have eyes in my arse and can see round corners', so I always try to expect the unexpected and if anyone, copper or other, proves untrustworthy, they don't get second chances... If they're straight up with me, I'll be straight up with them...