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Pros and Cons of military training for preppers
2 September 2013, 11:48, (This post was last modified: 2 September 2013, 11:52 by Prepper1.)
RE: Pros and Cons of military training for preppers
If military training had no use and you were no different from a civvy, they wouldn't do it and anybody would be allowed to pick up a weapon, drive a landrover or operate a clansman etc...

Military training doesn't just involve shooting and killing, though that is indeed a great part of it.

It also involved unarmed combat, boxing, general fitness, swimming etc...

During my career I did many things from infantry, to company runner for a whole garrison to prisoner control and escort to being the o.c. commanding personal assistant and platoon commander for a while albeit unofficial.

I also was a fireman, bin man, general handyman, weapons and ammo shipping in vehicles you weren't supposed to be driving , working in the armory, range master etc... the list goes on and on.
All from signing up to be a simple grunt.

You get discipline, learn to maintain equipment down to the finest detail, you can be asked and are expected to do any job given to you no matter what it is.

One day you could be in England doing general grunt work, next day you could be anywhere in the world doing some weird and wonderful stuff most probably illegally.

Do I think ex millitary are better than civvies?

Damn right I do, hands down.

I've had about five lifetimes experiences that I'd never have gotten in civvy street, met some great people from many different countries, for example we had Maltese and south African in my unit.

It was hard and sometimes very difficult but the experience helped shape who I am today good or bad, I dont care.

All I know is ex mill are better than most civvies.
Notice I said most not all as there are some decent reliable civvies knocking about as well.

And as for being civvies even when you leave your not or dont feel like one, its been over 20 years since I left and im still not a civvy nor will I ever feel like one or indeed be one.

I shall always feel different, better, superior if you like.
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...

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RE: Pros and Cons of military training for preppers - by Prepper1 - 2 September 2013, 11:48

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