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6 February 2012, 10:13,
RE: butchery
(6 February 2012, 10:08)uks Wrote: We buy 1/2 animals direct from smallholders and i butcher them at home. Fish for me is the worst i can never remove the fillet from the skin in one piece.

Just rubbing it in now mate. Now I'm going to rub it in....I can usually remove the fish perfectly. No newspaper or chips on it! Ha, stick that in your butchery-better-than-Scythe13 ways. Haha.

In all seriousness, I've only ever caught fish and thrown them back in the water. Never taken a knife to an animal in my life. Not even dissected a work or anything in school. I swear down schools are trying to make us less independant and more dependant on the system.

Messages In This Thread
butchery - by Danger Thompson - 3 February 2012, 08:18
RE: butchery - by uks - 3 February 2012, 08:58
RE: butchery - by Danger Thompson - 3 February 2012, 09:05
RE: butchery - by Barneyboy - 3 February 2012, 10:41
RE: butchery - by Danger Thompson - 3 February 2012, 11:29
RE: butchery - by Skean Dhude - 3 February 2012, 12:38
RE: butchery - by Prep Girl - 3 February 2012, 17:22
RE: butchery - by Scythe13 - 3 February 2012, 17:40
RE: butchery - by Tartar Horde - 4 February 2012, 13:12
RE: butchery - by Reality Jones - 4 February 2012, 15:07
RE: butchery - by bigpaul - 4 February 2012, 17:38
RE: butchery - by Reality Jones - 5 February 2012, 16:09
RE: butchery - by Scythe13 - 6 February 2012, 09:26
RE: butchery - by uks - 6 February 2012, 10:08
RE: butchery - by Scythe13 - 6 February 2012, 10:13
RE: butchery - by bigpaul - 6 February 2012, 12:31
RE: butchery - by uks - 6 February 2012, 16:47
RE: butchery - by bigpaul - 6 February 2012, 18:37
RE: butchery - by Scythe13 - 6 February 2012, 12:58
RE: butchery - by bigpaul - 6 February 2012, 14:52
RE: butchery - by Scythe13 - 6 February 2012, 16:49
RE: butchery - by uks - 6 February 2012, 18:43
RE: butchery - by bigpaul - 6 February 2012, 18:50
RE: butchery - by uks - 6 February 2012, 18:54
RE: butchery - by bigpaul - 6 February 2012, 18:56
RE: butchery - by uks - 6 February 2012, 18:58
RE: butchery - by bigpaul - 6 February 2012, 19:08
RE: butchery - by uks - 6 February 2012, 19:10
RE: butchery - by bigpaul - 6 February 2012, 19:13
RE: butchery - by uks - 6 February 2012, 19:18
RE: butchery - by bigpaul - 6 February 2012, 19:23
RE: butchery - by uks - 6 February 2012, 20:08
RE: butchery - by bigpaul - 17 February 2012, 12:29

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