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join the territorial army
2 September 2013, 13:45,
RE: join the territorial army
Well that's the difference now, I dont think I'd join up again knowing what I know now.

Did I value the experience-yes.

Have I personally gained from it-yes.

Am I over confident- in my opinion no.

I am full of confidence but I believe that's different to over confidence.

Overconfidence to me means you take unnecessary risks because you have no grasp of the reality of the situation.

Being full of confidence means you approach the situation knowing you will succeed but being aware of your limitations and knowing when to draw the line, whereas a person who is overconfident wouldn't and carry on regardless putting himself or others in danger. etc.

BUT that's just my opinion.

I am older, maybe wiser and realize what I was doing it for, then I didn't care.

Most youngsters dont, and that's what they count on a fresh steady stream of young uns that'll do as they wont with little complaint if any.

Why do you think they get rid of lads as they start maturing and developing a brain of their own.

T.A. if you can get in is good, as its a civvy thing mostly and you pick and choose what you do and when you do it so good opportunity to get your hgv licenses, or learn a trade all for free.

BUT there's always the possibility of being called up as they look to the T.A. first normally before civvies.
that's the risk you take.
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...

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RE: join the territorial army - by Sunna - 29 July 2013, 12:57
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RE: join the territorial army - by Highlander - 2 September 2013, 20:36
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RE: join the territorial army - by Kiril - 22 September 2013, 22:36

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