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2 September 2013, 20:28,
RE: WaterBOB
If the prices are high, and are staying high, it is because they are selling at that rate.

That means that more people are buying water bobs than you think, and there are more preppers out there than you think.

And they are not coming here or going there or discussing what they are doing, they are simply buying gear and keeping their mouths shut!
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.

Messages In This Thread
WaterBOB - by TheFalcon - 23 February 2013, 20:48
RE: WaterBOB - by NorthernRaider - 23 February 2013, 20:57
RE: WaterBOB - by Highlander - 23 February 2013, 20:58
RE: WaterBOB - by NorthernRaider - 23 February 2013, 21:28
RE: WaterBOB - by Straight Shooter - 23 February 2013, 21:30
RE: WaterBOB - by Geordie_Rob - 23 February 2013, 21:45
RE: WaterBOB - by Barneyboy - 23 February 2013, 22:33
RE: WaterBOB - by NorthernRaider - 23 February 2013, 22:36
RE: WaterBOB - by Straight Shooter - 23 February 2013, 23:51
RE: WaterBOB - by Geordie_Rob - 24 February 2013, 11:49
RE: WaterBOB - by Prepper1 - 24 February 2013, 12:33
RE: WaterBOB - by Straight Shooter - 24 February 2013, 13:07
RE: WaterBOB - by Highlander - 24 February 2013, 21:02
RE: WaterBOB - by NorthernRaider - 24 February 2013, 21:27
RE: WaterBOB - by Prepper1 - 24 February 2013, 22:10
RE: WaterBOB - by Highlander - 24 February 2013, 22:13
RE: WaterBOB - by NorthernRaider - 24 February 2013, 22:13
RE: WaterBOB - by Highlander - 24 February 2013, 22:16
RE: WaterBOB - by NorthernRaider - 26 February 2013, 15:21
RE: WaterBOB - by Barneyboy - 26 February 2013, 18:17
RE: WaterBOB - by Rush2112 - 27 February 2013, 02:13
RE: WaterBOB - by NorthernRaider - 27 February 2013, 09:44
RE: WaterBOB - by Highlander - 27 February 2013, 20:35
RE: WaterBOB - by GrannyMike - 27 February 2013, 21:50
RE: WaterBOB - by NorthernRaider - 27 February 2013, 21:56
RE: WaterBOB - by BeardyMan - 28 February 2013, 11:42
RE: WaterBOB - by Scythe13 - 28 February 2013, 13:28
RE: WaterBOB - by Highlander - 3 March 2013, 22:58
RE: WaterBOB - by Midnitemo - 2 September 2013, 17:40
RE: WaterBOB - by Highlander - 2 September 2013, 19:19
RE: WaterBOB - by Midnitemo - 2 September 2013, 19:45
RE: WaterBOB - by Mortblanc - 2 September 2013, 20:28
RE: WaterBOB - by Highlander - 2 September 2013, 20:28
RE: WaterBOB - by Midnitemo - 12 September 2013, 14:41
RE: WaterBOB - by bigpaul - 12 September 2013, 14:44
RE: WaterBOB - by Midnitemo - 12 September 2013, 14:47
RE: WaterBOB - by bigpaul - 12 September 2013, 14:51
RE: WaterBOB - by Midnitemo - 12 September 2013, 14:56

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