(3 September 2013, 17:28)Mortblanc Wrote: Been reading this for five pages of senseless dribble.
To identify a "fake prepper" one must have a definition of a "real prepper".
What is that definition?
And what separates a "fake prepper" from a "real prepper", a "good prepper" or a "bad prepper"?
To establish proof of being a "real prepper", or a "good prepper", one must demand the other party violate all the OPSEC principles advised in the thread and actually show some stuff and give some details.
Otherwise one is dependent on the magnificent bull$&!t presented around a campfire or in an internet forum.
sometimes you can detect a fake prepper from the BS he talks, if he talks enough-and most of them do- you can spot the lies easily enough.this is better accomplished face to face than on an internet forum.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.