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Autumn in the Garden
8 September 2013, 20:35,
Autumn in the Garden
For all you gardeners out there, it's Autumn. Time to get the garden put to bed for the year. This week I am clearing away any dead leaves from brassicas in the vegetable patch. They hide slugs and mould and will be burned to keep pests down. I'm in the process of cutting back the leaves on the strawberry patch and culling any unwanted shoots. You can put these leaves on the compost; they rot down nicely.

Dig the last of the summer potatoes before the wireworms and beetles get to them. Keep any clean ones you want to use later in a cool, dark place. Use any damaged ones as soon as you can. Thoroughly dig over any unused areas of your veggie patch and get as much manure or compost as you can get hold of dug in ready for next season. Leave it on the surface if you don't have the time to dig it in, the worms and weather will slowly do your job for you.

My asparagus patch romped away this year and we had more than we could eat. This plant is a gross feeder, so it will get piles of well-rotted horse manure. The idea is to keep your perennial plants in good condition and happy - you may well need what they produce in good quantities.

Trim back perennial herbs to tidy them up and remove any dead leaves. Herbs do not usually require much feeding but will appreciate a bit of nourishment. Cutting them back will encourage new slower growth.

Runner beans and haricot beans are still going, but growth is slowing and there are many overgrown pods. Pick these and dry them out for next year's produce. Remember to remove the beans from the pods to keep mould at bay.

Hopefully your gardens will potter gently through the winter, but a little tlc now will really bring dividends next season.

Happy gardening.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Messages In This Thread
Autumn in the Garden - by MaryN - 8 September 2013, 20:35
RE: Autumn in the Garden - by Highlander - 8 September 2013, 21:28
RE: Autumn in the Garden - by BFG Central - 8 September 2013, 23:36
RE: Autumn in the Garden - by Hex - 13 September 2013, 20:41

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