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Dealing with bodies post collapse
11 September 2013, 10:35, (This post was last modified: 11 September 2013, 10:44 by Prepper1.)
RE: Dealing with bodies post collapse
Have a look at this reply and tell me you'll be doing ANYTHING with bodies afterwards......

Body stain

[Image: body1.img_assist_custom-600x450.jpg]

Livor mortis when the blood begins to pool to the lowest part of the body. Since the body no longer combats gravity by pushing the blood around, the blood just resorts to falling down to the lowest level. This is not a pretty sight, as one can see here.

[Image: body3.img_assist_custom-600x449.jpg]

Feel free to be moving this about...

[Image: body2.jpg]

The body farm...

look at the two week old body and think about moving that.... pop!!!!
maggots after 24 hours....

the body farm and beyond

For mor details on stages of death etc... visit this site if these pics havent already put you off even thinking about handling bodies post shtf....

Stages of Decomposition, dont worry its only a pig....

I think when all said and done unless there very fresh, I aint touching nothing.....

I think I'll let nature take its course.

The old medieval doctors wore the masks you know the ones with the beaks...
[Image: classic%2Bversus%2Briveted.jpg]

and heres how to make one... apparently they filled the nose with nice smelling stuff to cover the stench....
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...

Messages In This Thread
Dealing with bodies post collapse - by Scythe13 - 11 September 2013, 00:26
RE: Dealing with bodies post collapse - by Midnitemo - 11 September 2013, 15:21
RE: Dealing with bodies post collapse - by River Song - 11 September 2013, 08:12
RE: Dealing with bodies post collapse - by bigpaul - 11 September 2013, 08:55
RE: Dealing with bodies post collapse - by Binnie - 11 September 2013, 08:18
RE: Dealing with bodies post collapse - by Prepper1 - 11 September 2013, 10:35
RE: Dealing with bodies post collapse - by Scythe13 - 11 September 2013, 10:57
RE: Dealing with bodies post collapse - by Sunna - 11 September 2013, 11:07
RE: Dealing with bodies post collapse - by River Song - 11 September 2013, 12:07
RE: Dealing with bodies post collapse - by Barneyboy - 11 September 2013, 13:17
RE: Dealing with bodies post collapse - by bigpaul - 11 September 2013, 13:20
RE: Dealing with bodies post collapse - by bigpaul - 11 September 2013, 16:10
RE: Dealing with bodies post collapse - by Mortblanc - 11 September 2013, 16:15
RE: Dealing with bodies post collapse - by bigpaul - 11 September 2013, 16:27
RE: Dealing with bodies post collapse - by Lanky Yankee - 13 September 2013, 17:12
RE: Dealing with bodies post collapse - by bigpaul - 13 September 2013, 17:14

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