Dissing the Collie
After quite a lot of discussion, we have decided to start looking for a new place. I would like to be a bit more self sufficient, and after a load of hints to OH (including the possibility of upgrading the machiner - works a charm, Girls!), he has agreed to start looking next year. I fancy keeping sheep for meat. Now, as we already have a Collie I thought I could get a bit of a headstart on things by training him to deal with sheep. Collies are natural herders, and I was hoping he would take to it. We tried the horses, but his efforts were met by a raised warning hoof (You want some of this??!). The cats were downright disrespectful - they don't do dogs, so that left the hens as the livestock to practice on.
Any person who keeps hens knows that they aren't too fond of being shepherded around, and ours are no exception. In an independent mood I can only describe their reaction to shepherding as a bombburst. We started off with one hen. I ordered Collie to go get that chicken and he dutifully brought her to my feet. Excellent, but a bit worrying as I used a command that tells him to get his frisbee - chicken= frisbee? Perhaps not. The whole thing went to pot with more than one hen. For anyone who thinks that Collies are genetically programmed to understand the words "Come by" - they're not! I was behaving like a manic semaphorer on speed, and shouting at the poor old dog to do all sorts of things. My last attempt ended in dismal failure with the collie sitting in the chicken pen and the hens outside.
I am obviously no good at this, and, worse, the Collie thinks I am an idiot.
So, if there is anyone out there who can help me with information on how to perform a very basic manoeuvre with my Collie please let me know. I shall be ever so grateful.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.