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Getting Real About Bugging Out
16 September 2013, 15:08, (This post was last modified: 16 September 2013, 15:27 by bigpaul.)
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out
(16 September 2013, 15:06)John Wrote:
(16 September 2013, 14:00)bigpaul Wrote:
(16 September 2013, 13:40)John Wrote: They are not all going to be preppers and once the home can no longer support them then they will leave. Majority of homes today depend on mains water and electric. Plus many do not even have open fireplaces, places are no longer built with them. So no heat and no water.
This will escalate quickly particularly once it it dawns on them that no one is coming to their rescue.

OK you don't have to agree with me but if you think they are going to be nice people and stay at home then you are mistaken. They may start going house to house to start with but as they work their way out they will at some point come across you, then the fun will start and there will be more of them that you. The other thing that may be more telling is water. It will not be pure and they will be looking for that. Then on the heals of that will come disease. That will make people run to get away from it.

I don't really think people think through these scenarios to the full.
May it is denial, may be they just cannot believe that a society like ours is today can go crash.
Fact...History shows that all that previous societies/civilizations have generally lasted no longer than 200/250 yeas or there about. May be we are a bit overdue but rest assured it will happen.

I don't see people leaving their homes, at least not at first, John. why should they-"the govt is coming to save them"-right? so it will take them some time to realise that no help is coming, a lot will perish waiting for help that isn't coming. many will wait too long until the move out in search of more suitable shelter, it wont take long for the supermarket shelves to empty, what isn't taken will be trampled underfoot. whilst the idiots and scum are looting plasma tvs and new computers they will never use none will have the sense to grab camping stoves or torches or even candles and matches. when they eventually decide to move on the roads will be blocked by crashed and fire damaged vehicles. even if they get past this lot without having a definite location to get to most will just become refugees, most of these without adequate clothing, food and shelter will die in the first cold weather of the first winter post collapse. there will be the enevitable council estate scum(what NR refers to as Chavs) which eventually we will have to deal with but by the time they vacate the cities and move out into the my case they will have to navigate Dartmoor first....maybe they will be fewer in number??

I cant see anyone in my small town welcoming them with open arms...more the opposite.

Well seeing as you have such a low opinion of your fellow man I'll withdraw from this debate and let you have the last word????

suit yourself, makes no difference to me!Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin

its not so much a "low opinion of your fellow man" more of a case of knowing how stupid people/sheeple are, most of them cant see past the next episode of eastenders or big brother or come dancing, most exist on tv dinners and couldn't cook a meal from scratch if you gave them the ingredients-free. I am a REALIST I know most people rely on the state from cradle to grave and cannot think for themselves.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

Messages In This Thread
Getting Real About Bugging Out - by Jonas - 15 September 2013, 18:32
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by Prepper1 - 15 September 2013, 21:20
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by bigpaul - 16 September 2013, 10:13
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by John - 16 September 2013, 12:37
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by bigpaul - 16 September 2013, 12:51
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by John - 16 September 2013, 13:40
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by bigpaul - 16 September 2013, 14:00
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by John - 16 September 2013, 15:06
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by bigpaul - 16 September 2013, 15:08
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by Midnitemo - 16 September 2013, 12:12
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by bigpaul - 16 September 2013, 12:14
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by Timelord - 17 September 2013, 01:12
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by River Song - 17 September 2013, 08:00
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by bigpaul - 17 September 2013, 08:48
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by River Song - 17 September 2013, 09:07
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by bigpaul - 17 September 2013, 09:12
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by John - 17 September 2013, 14:35
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by bigpaul - 17 September 2013, 14:37
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by Midnitemo - 17 September 2013, 14:05
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by bigpaul - 17 September 2013, 14:13
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by Nix - 17 September 2013, 15:05
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by Highlander - 17 September 2013, 15:11
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by Binnie - 17 September 2013, 15:26
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by bigpaul - 17 September 2013, 15:36
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by bigpaul - 17 September 2013, 16:38
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by John - 17 September 2013, 16:42
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by bigpaul - 17 September 2013, 16:44
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by John - 17 September 2013, 16:59
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by River Song - 17 September 2013, 17:00
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by bigpaul - 17 September 2013, 17:15
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by River Song - 17 September 2013, 17:24
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by John - 17 September 2013, 17:26
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by bigpaul - 17 September 2013, 17:29
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by BeardyMan - 17 September 2013, 17:40
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by Lightspeed - 17 September 2013, 17:41
RE: Getting Real About Bugging Out - by BeardyMan - 17 September 2013, 17:46

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