RE: Rolling a thought around and looking for alternative ideas/views
I think I understand what you're telling us is your predicament. It's a concern for me too. Even if your home can be made into a solid defensive position, that may be successful against the first few disparate groups who may may chance to come your way, searching for sustenance. Later though, those loose groups of a few at a time that you can easily defend against, may become a coalesced gang that will return to get whatever it is they know now that you're protecting. Against such, no defence will be adequate.
So you bug out, to your prepared position overlooking your home... but why only one week? Do you think it will be safe to return then? Might it not take a great deal longer, given their consumption of looted stores, before any kind of significant die-off in the populace occurs? Can your OP sustain you in food and water for the length of time you may have to stay there? Would you, could you, have sufficient stores in place for that?
I'm sorry I have no answers for you - I have only questions for myself...