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18 September 2013, 12:27,
RE: Respect
The bit that amazes me is that a post on respect can through quite reasonable discussions turn into a slanging match. That is why I delete all the non prepping threads. Nothing ever works. Nothing. Yet when we talk prepping we come out with some good deas. Usually what kills that is people repeating their views post after post.

I've mixed feelings about the forums. They have contributed to my knowledge, I have met several people who have knowledge I respect. I like them.

However, there are a couple of people who stir things up, not enough to make me ban them because what they say is true or an opinion and I can be brutal myself when the need arises. Then there is retaliation, who to chastise? Then I have to go in and fix the issue, which takes me away from writing posts and my work, the one that pays for all this including the forum.

I just don't have the time so as usual it gets out of hand.

The ideal solution of course, imo, is just for people to ignore those that annoy them and if they are attacked just ignore the attack and inform me. But being the way we are we can't ignore people so it gets out of hand. If these people are ignored they have no fuel to keep going.

I will just keep it going and until it dies or I get fed up with fixing the issues. I'm getting what I want out of it. I'm just putting in to much in an area that provides no benefit. Even this reply has wasted a lot of my time and it isn't the first.

Nix is right though, we should have respect but this is the UK in 2013, people don't so suck it up and ignore those that annoy you, report those that attack you to me and get what you can from the forum. There are some really good people on here.

I do.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

Messages In This Thread
Respect - by Nix - 17 September 2013, 17:06
RE: Respect - by Highlander - 17 September 2013, 17:19
RE: Respect - by Sunna - 17 September 2013, 17:27
RE: Respect - by NorthernRaider - 17 September 2013, 17:48
RE: Respect - by Grumpy Grandpa - 17 September 2013, 21:21
RE: Respect - by Lightspeed - 18 September 2013, 06:43
RE: Respect - by Highlander - 17 September 2013, 17:53
RE: Respect - by Grumpy Grandpa - 17 September 2013, 19:58
RE: Respect - by Highlander - 17 September 2013, 20:01
RE: Respect - by Midnitemo - 17 September 2013, 20:01
RE: Respect - by Straight Shooter - 17 September 2013, 20:44
RE: Respect - by Waylander - 17 September 2013, 22:01
RE: Respect - by Grumpy Grandpa - 17 September 2013, 22:30
RE: Respect - by Waylander - 17 September 2013, 22:35
RE: Respect - by River Song - 18 September 2013, 07:10
RE: Respect - by Lightspeed - 18 September 2013, 07:19
RE: Respect - by NorthernRaider - 18 September 2013, 08:05
RE: Respect - by Lightspeed - 18 September 2013, 09:17
RE: Respect - by Skean Dhude - 18 September 2013, 12:27

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