RE: Abandoned Dogs Roam Detroit in Packs as Humans Dwindle
would it be possible to cull them, like the badgers at present, to a level where they become a valuable meat source but not a threat to human life and limb?? just thinking out loud!
there are lots of "wild cats" puma types that were let loose 30 or 40 years ago when licencing was brought in, these have bred in the wild but they don't seem to be a problem, you don't think we are over reacting? maybe in the States this is a problem(dogs I mean) but then the cities are bigger over there so more pets are kept pro rata? i'm just wondering if the case has been overstated from a simple newspaper report.
I mean take MINK for example, lots of those escaped into the wild from mink farms in the 60s, but have you ever seen a mink, I haven't! and I spend a lot of my time in the countryside.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.