RE: Living Off the Land? - NOT!
Large amounts of meat may not be able to be stored before the meat goes off. This means that a calorific value of the initial weight in meat may not equate to "x" number of days when you have had to throw half of the meat away or that you can not physically take it with you on the move. What is possible with a large amount is to gorge on it as animal do - to a point that is. 1) obviously you can only fit so much in your tum & 2) A lot of the nutrients and protein will not be taken in due to the excess amount. Nevertheless, it is a survival strategy and certainly helps to weigh against the leaner times.
In the leaner times, then the calorific value that is needed per day can be supplemented by the body breaking down part of its own structure to supply the nutrients. therefore it is not just a case of you need "x" amount of calories or it is not enough.. yes it might not be enough but the body can compensate for a time until the feast time returns. Also remember you can adjust the energy exertion being undertaken if possible to reduce the calorie burn. This all helps but eventually a balance, uneven though it may be over time, needs to be achieved. Hopefully time will give you that luxury. lol. TL.
"How far back in time do you think our future will be?"