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why i wont be charitable WTSHTF.
13 October 2013, 11:32,
RE: why i wont be charitable WTSHTF.
Charity in general is just not affordable to us but there are different kinds of charity. Many I don't subscribe too which has fat cat salaries while those on the shop front do it for free and most of the funds are wasted. Then there is helping a neighbour in a time of need especially when it is just a temporary dip. Sure you could take advantage, and many do, but in a community then sometimes charity is the right thing to do.

Every situation needs to be examined and each may have a different solution but after an event 99% of the cases we meet will have to get nothing if we are to survive.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

Messages In This Thread
why i wont be charitable WTSHTF. - by bigpaul - 13 October 2013, 11:02
RE: why i wont be charitable WTSHTF. - by Skean Dhude - 13 October 2013, 11:32
RE: why i wont be charitable WTSHTF. - by Sunna - 13 October 2013, 12:07
RE: why i wont be charitable WTSHTF. - by bigpaul - 13 October 2013, 13:52
RE: why i wont be charitable WTSHTF. - by bigpaul - 13 October 2013, 17:12
RE: why i wont be charitable WTSHTF. - by Sunna - 13 October 2013, 17:48
RE: why i wont be charitable WTSHTF. - by Tibbs735 - 13 October 2013, 18:09
RE: why i wont be charitable WTSHTF. - by Kiril - 13 October 2013, 18:34
RE: why i wont be charitable WTSHTF. - by bigpaul - 14 October 2013, 09:37
RE: why i wont be charitable WTSHTF. - by Jonas - 14 October 2013, 17:30
RE: why i wont be charitable WTSHTF. - by bigpaul - 14 October 2013, 17:36

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