Economy & Weather Change.
There are currently two big threats to the UK in my opinion.
One is the freak weather changes and Two is the economy.
Weather change has been a huge topic for the past 10 years. Majority of people believe it is global warming but there are 2 other camps. One who believe it is a natural cycle and another who believe it is a cosmic change in the universe which is projecting these changes.
All I know is we are entering a mini Ice-Age in the Northern Hemisphere and it is worth getting prepared for it regardless what nay sayers say.
The other major threat I see is the economy. All across the Anglo-sphere (Australia-North America-Europe) our politicians have been borrowing money and paying our government debt with more borrowing and creating more debt. They have been using class-war to divide us. Making the middle class blame the working class and making the working class blame those who are on social security.
I cannot stress how uncivil we have become. Whether its the Daily Mail create hate for the poor or whether its the Guardian that enforces the status quo on society. Both political and social spectrum are being forced into conflict for the benefit of the Elite.
Give you a little past history about myself. I use to be ultra Nationalist but when I learned how we are abused I have turned Libertarian/Pro-Freedom. That is my bias.
I really do believe guys whatever political beliefs or social status you have does not matter.
The lines may be drawn very soon where there is only the Rich and the Poor. There will be those in Government who have totalitarian power and citizens who have no rights.
We have all this to contend with along with a terrible WINTER which is approaching.
Every year we get a 10% increase in our Gas & Electricity bills.
Top that up with rising food prices and Government lies about the current rate of inflation on the shop floor.
I don't know about you guys but I noticed a 40% increase in the price of meat this year alone.
To top that we aren't even allowed to save anything.
This is mainly due to the Bank of England monetary policy where interest rates are kept ultra low so our central bank can create monetary stimulus (quantitative easing of up to 375billion sterling).
They tell you that isn't money printing but it is.
They lie about inflation and we experience it when prices rocket up.
I know people who have developed gluten intolerant Coeliac disease because they cannot have a balanced diet. All they end up eating is porridge, bread, pasta, pizza and soup.
I could go for ages about this but I am really punished my mind and my eye sight by carrying on.