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America, richest nation on earth, coming soon to a UK city near you
14 February 2012, 17:42,
RE: America, richest nation on earth, coming soon to a UK city near you
I know as a single mum I spent time on benefits but I work now, 24 hours a week on minimum wage I pay full rent and council tax , I do get family tax credits which pays my rent n c /tax and leaves me with £19 week out of that I''l be bolloxed if I'm gona work full time just so I can pay it all in rent, long story short I'm £29 a week better off working, if I had to pay fares to work I'd be worse off then when on dole, not that I turn my heating on coz of food stores but in truth I couldn't afford it, I almost wish I lived in tent city and I wish some one would give me £26.000 a year for sitting on my arse!

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RE: America, richest nation on earth, coming soon to a UK city near you - by Prep Girl - 14 February 2012, 17:42

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