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Unprepared Ineptitude
31 January 2014, 00:26,
RE: Unprepared Ineptitude
First, 30 trucks is not an adequate fleet to serve a city the size of Atlanta, that city stretches for 60 miles each direction!

Second, They get snow only once every 10 years and are not used to driving in it. That is why they do not have snow removal equipment, buying it would be an irresponsible waste.

Third, they never get just snow. With their weather pattern they get sleet that melts, then freezes, then snow on top of that, which is why no one was moving. Their entire city was a sheet of black ice. So much of their system is elevated cloverleaves and overpasses that as soon as the temp hits 32 they are slipping and sliding, causing bottlenecks and blockages.

I have been in Atlanta during a snow event and the best thing to do is pull over at the first opportunity and rent a motel room.

They do not do very well in the rain either!

One of the most frightening things one will ever do is drive in Atlanta on a warm, sunshiny, dry, clear day, you do not want to even think about snow!
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Messages In This Thread
Unprepared Ineptitude - by CharlesHarris - 30 January 2014, 18:09
RE: Unprepared Ineptitude - by BeardyMan - 30 January 2014, 18:52
RE: Unprepared Ineptitude - by Mortblanc - 31 January 2014, 00:26
RE: Unprepared Ineptitude - by CharlesHarris - 31 January 2014, 01:59
RE: Unprepared Ineptitude - by Karidian - 31 January 2014, 12:01
RE: Unprepared Ineptitude - by bigpaul - 31 January 2014, 12:15
RE: Unprepared Ineptitude - by Mortblanc - 31 January 2014, 16:10

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