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Epiphany leading to a radical rethink!
9 February 2014, 21:44,
Epiphany leading to a radical rethink!
Yesterday a partook in my annual dose of sadism that is the Dragon Rally.....arrived at the rally to find it was a caravan park just outside Conway , first thought's sites on a great big hill in the teeth of 60mph winds but its terraced and flat with hardstanding for the bikes so not all bad(have you ever tried picking up 300 kilo's of stricken bike out of the mud?)pitched camp pretty quickly on a lumpy bit of ground that was slightly sheltered by the terracing(only slightly)and not in range of any deadfall, happy day's so of to the bar to collect my goody bag, badge and first of many beers, more beers flowed followed by a communal chilli cooked on the stoves followed by more beer a band some more beer a nightcap or six then bed....pretty normal Dragon rally you might think! but what I haven't mentioned is it never stopped raining and the wind never let up either....the guy's and gal's(3 this year woo hoo)I do this rally with are all old hands and have partaken in some pretty rough extreme winter rallies in there time(Ellefantreffen,Krystal et al)so they all come prepared with good kit and a steely attitude but everybody had kit failiure of one type or another....when people surfaced in the morning to yet more wind and rain they all looked like death warmed up , almost shellshocked , I had a particularly wet noisy restless night and it got me to thinking that I can't drag my party around gods creation bugging out in weather like this, they wouldn't last a week , so I've made the decision we are bugging in no matter what,
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!

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Epiphany leading to a radical rethink! - by Midnitemo - 9 February 2014, 21:44

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