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Epiphany leading to a radical rethink!
10 February 2014, 17:05,
RE: Epiphany leading to a radical rethink!
This issue is one that has arisen far to often over the years and I'm bloody delighted someone else has had the foresight and wisdom to address it. Al to often we get folks joining the forums and saying they have all the gear and are going to bug out and live in a basha in the woods. I always asked of them about how their extended families feel about this, is the wifey happy to live for months in mid winter under a tarp, is granny going to be happy climbing down to a stream to collected water, what about infant children, parents etc.

The problem often is that the folks coming into prepping and survivalism are single fit young men AND they cannot differentiate between BUSHCRAFT / WILDERNESS SURVIVAL and prepping and survivalism both being related but completely different genres.

Midnitemo has got it right doing ralleys in winter on yer tod is one thing, I used to do Storming the Castle and Pissed n Broke and Dragonslayer among other out of season bike rallies, flippin great for a weekend on my GS1000 but not a method of survival I would choose for months with my wife and child along.

But I don't think its just climate that get under considered when planning preps, its the art of getting out of Dodge that is a major issue for us in the UK cos not only is the weather usually wet and cold even in summer but many / most roads are borderling gridlocked for hours every day, it would only take the current bad weather coupled with a government evacuation order and only one or two accidents to reduce entire regions highways to complete gridlock.

Bugging in is very prundent and wise providing the place you are bugging into is SUSTAINABLE and DEFENDABLE and preferable partially self reliant at least.

I also agree with Devonians comments about trying to live for any length of time under canvas as being REALLY undesirable, I would add caravans to that equasion cos a few years ago I had to live FT in a small touring caravan and if it was not freezing it was turning everything we had mouldy.

I still have reserve bug out plans but its to a brick built structure with a door and window that is at least dry and mould free, but my long term plans are definitely remaining bugged in here.


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RE: Epiphany leading to a radical rethink! - by NorthernRaider - 10 February 2014, 17:05

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