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NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best
12 February 2014, 15:44,
NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but prepping and survival-wise, our friends NR and BP are completely misguided about cities.

Guys, slagging off cities and city based lifestyles is bad for prepping. It just ain't doing us preppers any good at all....

Cities are great . As many people as possible should be encouraged to live in one

As much effort and resource as the country can muster must applied to encourage as much of the population as possible to live the dream-life in the city.

Encouraging people to desert cities severely disadvantages preppers and reduces chances of survival . It needs to be stopped immediately!

Here’s why:

If London, and every other UK city, come to a grinding halt forcing their populations to flee to the countryside, this will increase the average rural population density 5 fold!

(Currently rural population is an average 136 persons per sq mile. Resettling city populations to the countryside will increase this by 544 people per sq mile. )

Speaking personally, I don't want to wake up one morning to find over 500 assorted city-slickers, chavs, hoodies and sheeple-ish types camped out on the village green expecting the residents of our little rural paradise to provide for them.

They will not be welcome, we don't want to look after them, and we don't want to have to deal with them either.

So better they stay in their cities as long as possible. TPTB will look after, they need to know that they can depend on that.

Angel Angel Angel

OK this is a dubious premise and a gross over simplification, based on even more dubious statistics ( below) But, even so, it serve to illustrate that in terms of planning personal and immediate family survival after a societal collapse, the more people who live in cities, and the longer they are encouraged to stay in those cities waiting for rescue by TPTB after the collapse the better.

Even Preppers who are city based will benefit from concentration of population in cities, as they will be aware of the need to evacuate early and will hopefully devise plans to do so in advance. They will still have a chance to get to a relatively lightly populated countryside. (unfortunately unsuspecting countrysiders might not welcome them with open arms though??)

The sad fact is, that the fewer the number of survivors, the greater the capacity of the rural environment to sustain them.

Cities are great . As many people as possible should be encouraged to live in one
80% of the UK population live in cities.

Current UK population 63.7 million

UK total land surface 94,000 sq miles
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out

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NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best - by Lightspeed - 12 February 2014, 15:44

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