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NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best
12 February 2014, 16:23, (This post was last modified: 12 February 2014, 16:26 by Lightspeed.)
RE: NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best

You wrote:
RE: NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best
Lets be honest LS if you, BP, SD or anyone else has to explain the insanity or stupidity of trying to be a prepper or survivalist in a city we are simply wasting our breath on a pointless exercise. If they cannot reach the correct conclusion on their own then we really should not waste our time on them. 110% agree with old man. Lets not wast our energies and knowledge attempting help them see the light. Survivalism isn't about making our ideas popular or mainstream. In fact the fewer the better is the way we should look at it.

In fairness I do know of a few fit, young, educated, skilled single people whose urban preps are quite impressive but even they understand that for the long term or for families the urban environment is as futile as riverside or water front residency. ohhhh, You're making me blush!

Being Seriously though:

Those city dwellers who start considering their position and who start to embrace prepping and survivalism will work out for themselves what is the best way forward.

Those already on board with us, who through no fault of their own find themselves living in cities, and who cannot or due to circumstances outside of their control don't want to get out just yet, must get fed up hearing repeated warnings about how bad their situation could or will become.

Way to go BP!

Praise the lord.

Looks like you're a convert brother
Big Grin
72 de



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Messages In This Thread
NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best - by Lightspeed - 12 February 2014, 15:44
RE: NR & BP: Are wrong City living is best - by Lightspeed - 12 February 2014, 16:23

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