RE: the beginning of the end.
err...sorry, you sort of lost me there for a mo', you talk of "people taking your stuff" and then in the next breath mention TPTB! I mean which is it? is it WROL(theft and general lawlessness) or is it still "Rule of Law applies"? it'll either be one or the other, I would think the former, but of course we are still back to the question as before: just how far will starving people WALK or indeed be CAPABLE of walking and they wont be able to put up much of a fight against defenders who are well nourished and alert. can we PLEASE get our minds off fighting and looting and get back to the question of how are YOU going to survive? (as per the OP).
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.