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when it happens
19 February 2012, 21:24, (This post was last modified: 19 February 2012, 21:32 by Scythe13.)
RE: when it happens
That is an interesting question.

First answer: Sudden over night collapse.

The likelihood of it being in a night is not too high. However, late evening I can see that happening.
My first response is to get myself safe. If I'm dead, then I'm no use to anyone. I'll be living with 2 Chinese students and I'll be bringing them with me. So after I am safe, I need to check on those I live with and those I care about. So if it happens late in the day, I'll be near home, so I'll check whoever I live with. While I'm on the way home, I'll be calling my parents, and AlyBear to check they and those around them are safe. If comms are down, then I can only do a few things.
Get to where I live with all my gear. Secure the front door (only access from the street, no windows or anything) and get everyone prepared and geared up to bug out, if it gets too bad. Then it's up onto the roof secured, checking out what is happening in the street below. Odds are we should be able to see out at least a few days in the appartment.

Then it's all about getting to AlyBear and her family, then meeting up with the Bristol Team. We (the Bristol Team) will be talking out tactics and the alike when we meet up, after a few socials. So I can't go into too much depth about the plan, as it's not been made yet.

Secondly, if it happens gradually.

Well, that's an awkward one, as it depends on how gradually. If it's like 20 years time, then by then I'll have some land in Wales, in the middle of nowhere, and I'll have built a bug out location, and I'd just be waiting for the rest of the Bristol Team to turn up.

But it really does depend on how gradually. I think I would have moved all my preps into a bug out location, if the snap was happening over a month or so.

It gets to that point that you think, "Right, we have to leave." That would be when I would start moving preps and the alike.
I'll probably be posting loads of replies here, as I love the question.

A slow snap would provide me the ability to prepare better. So with that in mind, I'd have more things to consider.

It's the quick snap that I expect. Yes things will get bad. But I expect one thing to trigger everything off.

If it was hyper inflation, that would be the best way to view a slow collapse. If that was the case, I'd book holiday away from work, then not go back. What every money went into my account would be transfered into tins of food, or equipment of some kind.

Then it would be a case of sticking to the Bristol Team's plan, if we have any in place by then.

But as of current, with living in Backwell, I'll be travelling East towards Bristol, near to the A370, and I would be waiting at the layby on the left side of the road, as if you were heading towards Bristol, from 1:30pm, until 2:30pm. If anyone from the group was there, I would bring them to our location in Backwell with all the preps at the home. If anyone was unable to get to there in the times I say I would be there, they should wait in the fields, or wooded area, behind the dig out, and wait until 1:30pm the next day for me to arrive.

Messages In This Thread
when it happens - by bowdrill - 19 February 2012, 21:13
RE: when it happens - by Scythe13 - 19 February 2012, 21:24
RE: when it happens - by Skean Dhude - 19 February 2012, 21:32
RE: when it happens - by mikebratcher69 - 19 February 2012, 21:36

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