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Devon and Cornwall will be inundated with refugees? Ifs, maybes, and conjecture
25 March 2014, 14:09,
RE: Devon and Cornwall will be inundated with refugees? Ifs, maybes, and conjecture
I get what you are saying Dev,

I agree that such a device would be set to damage the infrastructure as you describe.

But who's going to listen to authorities telling then that it was just a tactical device, that they should stay in their homes and await further instruction?

I'll tell you how urban London populations will think ( aided by irresponsible media reports), it'll be something like. " Sh1T an atom bomb has gone off in central London.... moments later images of Hiroshima mushroom cloud, closely followed by images of abandoned urban landscape of Chernobyl.... That'll be the call to action, there will be little more thinking, just an overwhelming desire to get themselves and their families out of there as fast and as far as possible"

The trouble is that radiation is silent, odourless, invisible and lethal... Because of its invisibility the fear factor it elicits is very high indeed.

People will run from it I'm sure. There will be no persuading them to stay with logical argument.
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RE: Devon and Cornwall will be inundated with refugees? Ifs, maybes, and conjecture - by Lightspeed - 25 March 2014, 14:09

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