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B and C attack threats for connurbations
25 March 2014, 20:14,
RE: B and C attack threats for connurbations
OK have any of you given some serious consideration to terrorist sponsored Biological or chemical attacks ? ( Not Mangel worzel wilt Paul).

Chemical attacks have occurred in Bogota, Brasilia, Tokyo, Moscow and a few other places and in large scale in Syria and Iraq. The US used chemical weapons from Agent Orange to White Phosphorus to terrible effect in Vietnam and Laos and Cambodia, The US govt even experimented on black Americans by giving them Syphilis

Elsewhere in the US they dropped chemically inactive munitions onto towns and sprayed them into government buildings

Many C terrorist attacks can be done with improvised chemical munitions including dry cleaning agents, water purification agents, bleaches etc, B chemical attacks are not unheard of but thankfully much less frequent. Common in the middle ages and last used large scale in China by Japan in the 30s and 40s

In the UK we tried to weaponise ANTHRAX for use against the Germans in WW2 and the Russians in the Coldwar, we poisoned the Scotish island of Gruniard with Anthrax spores

Remember also the Japanese terror group listed as associates of Black September and Red Hand and IRA and Baeder Meinhoff terror groups, in Japan they killed dozens when they released toxic gas into the cities underground railway.

Its all been done before and you can be sure that some nut jobs somewhere are considering or planning to do it again ESPECIALLY as more people than ever before use confined public transport systems and shop in enclosed air conditioned malls.


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RE: B and C attack threats for connurbations - by NorthernRaider - 25 March 2014, 20:14

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