Biological, yes, a little. I rate this as a low risk, and don't see it affecting more than a small area, but where there are elementary precautions I think they're worth taking.
There's nothing to be done to ward off an unforeseen attack - unless we spend our whole lives in protective gear and respirators, in which case we might as well add a foil hat on top. But once we know we're under attack then there are things we can do.
The best defence is to bug in and avoid all human contact - which is something we're mostly prepping for anyway. Like most of us, I suspect, I also have a stock of FFP3 masks and respirators, plus coveralls, goggles, wellington boots and foot protectors in case I ever needed to go into an infected area.
We also all know about safe water sources, and the need for filters. The Berkefeld wouldn't be enough here, but most of us have a ton of Oasis tablets and filter straws as well as the means of boiling without electricity.
However, we may not all know about the natural remedies we can keep on hand. I seriously doubt our government would have enough vaccine or antidotes to go round, or be able to distribute them if they did, but in addition to hoarded antibiotics I also keep powdered vitamin C, wild oregano oil, garlic capsules and IP6 rice-bran capsules. All of these things are easily available, and between them they should deal with most things.
This site is very helpful on the subject.
The oregano oil is particularly good because it can also sterilize contaminated water. It's not cheap, though, so I've also sown some organic oregano seeds in the garden, and hope to learn how to make my own oil - which can apparently be done with ordinary olive oil.
Chemical we can't do much about - just as there aren't many defences against people dropping any kind of bomb on you or spraying you with machine gun bullets in a public space. It does, however, seem to be one risk where the safest place to be is often NOT in the countryside, but behind the good thick walls of your own home...
The treatment afterwards is again something I think most of us will have already prepped for - especially for first aid and burns. However, the best comparison for chemical attack is actually modern chemotherapy (very similar to the mustard gas used as a weapon in WWI) and if you look up treatment of chemotherapy side-effects you'll find a lot more options. I note vitamin C is once again one of the best, but
this site also recommends ginger - something else to keep on hand.
As I say, I've only thought a little about this. I'd be interested to hear other opinions.