RE: New Perspective Thoughts!
I can think of two possible scenarios to frame this question.
The first is a total, Cormac Mcarthy "The Road" style collapse, caused by total economic collapse or whatever, total grid down.
The second is a slow grind, possibly over several years, think slow economic collapse, where the government is still there to a lesser extent, but can't cope, intermittent to no utilities, think the Great depression but most likely much worse. Lawlessness everywhere.
Scenario 1:
During the first 90 days, or however long it takes for our current society is to dissolve, there will be pregnant women and babies mixed in with the general population. Lets assume that you are out in the countryside at your home, with your setup and family/group. During the initial die-off it would probably be best to not take anyone in unless they have a critical skill that you need. It's harsh, but this reality will be playing out all over the country. You have to decide how you will deal with your little share of human misery; will you allow them in and risk attracting more, with more mouth to feed, when they are possibly a scout, willing or unwilling, for another group who "will do whatever it takes to survive." When the cities have stopped burning, it would probably be ok to take people in, as you will need as many people as you can get to get by in an agrarian lifestyle. Ideally you want to be set up so that people can pull their own weight and produce food for themselves, so you are not simply eating stored goods until you run out.
Scenario 2:
I don't think there will be as acute a die-off as scenario one, so you will essentially be blurring into a post-90 day lifestyle, as you would have been for a long time in a slow slide. There wouldn't be as much of an immediate deluge security concern, but word getting out about a stronghold taking in the unprepared would get around quickly, so you may have to limit it to family and friends who make it to you.
Essentially, you have no obligation to take in the unprepared. They could have prepared, they could have followed the basic government advice, they could have questioned the systems that kept them alive. But they did not.
Also, if you are surprised by random pregnant people holding screaming babies at your door, you have an immediate security issue. How did they manage to get so close without you noticing?
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8