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my project: Prepper/Stealth Bike(pedal)
29 March 2014, 11:51,
my project: Prepper/Stealth Bike(pedal)
Hello SUK friends, I hope you are all well and staying focused !? I wanted you to know about a project ive not long started on old mountain bike ive saved from the local tip ! I go out and about quite abit by myself ,local trails etc but only by myself and always on foot. SO.. I had an idea of making a bike that I could go round these local "nature" trails and also possibly use at night ,with the idea of moving cached items around too, but making it blend in if I had to "ditch it" in some undergrowth and it not standing out all shiny and reflectors glowing like cats torch light ! ( a hard job ) first job took all reflectors off, on spokes,pedals front and rear ones. the bike was orig gloss black to scuffed it all up using a sanding pad and removed what decals I could with boing water etc, took both wheels off as back one was in need of a tyre and needed "trueing up" as was slightly buckled /needed rear bearing nipping up too ..fitted a "part worn" one from local bike shop to keep costs down , sprayed a degreasing spray all over frame and parts of the wheels, took it to the local jet wash and blasted it ...then put it in yard to dry off during the day . then tried to decide which colour it would mainly be...a mix of matt black and some two shades of green and a muddy brown too.
removed as much as I could in the way of brake calipers /pedals and their shafts off the frame and have not long finished the main frame which is a mix of black and camo , im gonna do the wheels flat black..but where the brake blocks are will be dull alum as they need to function still and paint would come off regardless. i took the seat off ( I haven't covered it in camo ..yet !) and took the extending shaft to work to have an oblong piece of bar 1" by 2.5" welded on horizontally with some form of bottom support for weight and stability that allows me to fit a pair of "panniers" on these..which are 2 gas mask bags in dpm camo and are very hard wearing and waterproof to a degree. with a small bag yet to be sorted for under the seat in the future, with some yet undecided design for a front bag system . it effectively IMO will be a off road touring/camping bike ...but i like the idea of incorporating if for prepp related duties. I mean without too much trouble I cud fit some short lengths of black plastic drain pipe that I havepreviously made 2 quivers out of carry .."whatever " I "needed" it too Wink will post some pics of it in the near future and as for opsec paranoia ..I wear a lot of camo anyway do a lot of folks round here ..especially the "real tree" kind ! so im fine with this , cycle tracks/walks are literally minutes away ....these are already in "one " poss bug out plan ..anyway I gotta keep fit as im on the wrong side of 40 ! Smile cheers for now RW

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my project: Prepper/Stealth Bike(pedal) - by RoadWarrior - 29 March 2014, 11:51

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