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What we can learn from Crimea
31 March 2014, 21:57,
RE: What we can learn from Crimea
You make some damn good point Lou and I willingly accept them all, but I would like to raise just a few point for you to chew over.

When ever I hear socialists and many other center left types referring to Nazism and Nazi thugs I always consider the following

NAZISM is just a militarised style of SOCIALISM

SOVIET SOCIALISM is just an agrarian or communal form of socialism.

Putin IS using Nazi doctrine that is a fact EG create an imaginary bogeyman in a country you want to Annex, Putin chose Georgia first stealing 20% of it , Ukraine second grabbing the Crimea and eyeballing the southern part of the Ukrain, he has grabbed the Ukrainian navy and added it to his own, and is agitating like mad in Moldova.

Adolf grabbed Alsace Loraine a chunk belonging to France, he then snaffled the Sudatenland bit of Czechoslovakia and stirred up agitated like mad in Poland, when he invadec France he grabbed as much of the French navy as he could.

The Nazis killed 7 million Jews, Slavs, Russians Poles, Catholics, Mentally handicapped and quite a lot of us as well (Didn't stop the Soviet / US and UK government from hiring them to build rockets though)

The Soviets alone in the 1930s killed over 18 million people, plus millions more during the soviet era.

The Communist Socialists in China are thought to have killed nearly 30 million during the cultural revolution.

Then add the SOCIALIST oppression that rippled around the world for the 60 years after WW2

Any form of socialism breeds extremism as does uncontrolled nationalism.

Meanwhile over here we have not learned the lessons from WW1 & 2
(1) Stay out of Europe
(2) Don't cripple your military capability through cuts
(3) Dictators and Oligarchs only respect STRENGTH

In WW1 we initially could only dispatch a small expeditionary force to France and Germany laughed in our faces
In WW2 we initially could only dispatch a small expeditionary force to France and the Germans swept us aside
In the Cold War we severely cut the size of our military after WW2 but the Soviet kept over a million men at arms, when they stole Eastern Europe that could simply IGNORE us
Today its announced that the SWISS have more combat ready Leopard two tanks than the British have Challenger two tanks, and we with the fourth largest military budget on earth only have an army of 82,000 men versus Putins million plus, We have NO aircraft Carriers and NO carrier Aircraft, three weeks ago we only had ONE available warship to protect our entire coast. we have almost no strategic reserve left and Putin if he wants Eastern Europe can IGNORE us... Oh He has.

We never learn the most important lessons and that is stay out of Europe and Keep the UKs defences strong

BBC Bolshovik Broadcasting Company its further to the left than Pravda was Smile


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RE: What we can learn from Crimea - by Little Lou - 31 March 2014, 21:57
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RE: What we can learn from Crimea - by ErikEst - 2 April 2014, 22:40

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