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Crop Protection
16 April 2014, 19:12,
RE: Crop Protection
I've started some of my seeds from my garden in a can thingy in the greenhouse to prevent them from being dug up and eaten. The next thing to do will be to protect them with mini closhes (water bottles cut in half) or shiny things. This will be coupled with netting and mesh to keep the critters away, as well as waging geurilla warfare with the local population of rabbits and pigeons.

Check you local fly-tipping and dump sites guys, not only have I found heaps of chicken wire, but also firewood, a brand new Norwich city council jacked (Now washed, you never can tell, I can go anywhere wearing this!) as well as broken lawnmowers and broken lawn furniture!
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8

Messages In This Thread
Crop Protection - by Scythe13 - 15 April 2014, 12:48
RE: Crop Protection - by bigpaul - 15 April 2014, 13:14
RE: Crop Protection - by Scythe13 - 15 April 2014, 13:27
RE: Crop Protection - by Devonian - 15 April 2014, 13:33
RE: Crop Protection - by bigpaul - 15 April 2014, 13:41
RE: Crop Protection - by Tartar Horde - 16 April 2014, 13:01
RE: Crop Protection - by Rush2112 - 16 April 2014, 15:18
RE: Crop Protection - by Tibbs735 - 16 April 2014, 19:12

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