RE: BOB Tacticool or Stealth
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Similar happened in the LA/Rodney King riots in the US when the Korean shop owners gathered together with shotguns and stood outside their stores. Amazingly they were left well alone! But to mirror what DEV has already said, it is a group situation where being met with superior force causes people to reassess what's going on and whether it's worth dying for.
Now the real fun begins.
Consider your group, their training, their equipment, stress tolerances, and the alike. In that sort of situation, how many could hold their nerve and make good decisions? Could you lead an equally nervous group of people? Would you want to scare them off and have them come back later with better arms? The majority of people in a pre-SHTF world, even in riots, will not be carrying illegal arms, even those that own them probably won't be. However, if it's a SHTF situation...the rules totally change.
Another line of thought. In the London, Liverpool, Manchester riots, a couple of years ago, considering the number of illegal guns available, how many instances were there of rioters opening fire on the police? What about the riots in Greece that happen every few months? Even America, where guns are readily available, the number of riots shooting at the police is still small. The only exceptions are the publicised riots in the middle east, and of course Syria. In these situations, as far as the populations know, TS has HTF, and it's a real fight to the death....literally. The way these people cope, move on, progress, develop, and live, would be closer to how urban life post-SHTF would be....just with far fewer AK47's being fired.
If you are able to become a MAJOR show of force, e.g. a group of 8-10 minimum well armed people, kitted up, ready to kill, then you'd be able to rock the whole TactiCOOL style. However, if there's just a few of you, PLAY the refugee, but hide your real intentions. Break away from the fleeing group when you can safely do so.
Post SHTF, I do like the idea of rocking up all tactical and looking like the boss. But, the only way to get killed faster than that is to wear a bullseye tshirt.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin