(28 April 2014, 17:14)SlyUrbanFox Wrote: I have to park my car on a busy terraced street in the middle of town. The car regularly gets vandalised by the Friday night return from the pub/kebab shop crowd.(6 wing mirrors replaced in as many years) If the car is still available and the street isn't blocked (unlikely as my plan was to barricade both ends with neighbours for mutual protection) then yes, I would use the car.
I regularly cycle to work and even at 5am the bike is only 5 mins slower to work over 3.5 miles than the car. At 9am/5pm the bike is 5 mins quicker than the car. Situational awareness is a lot better on foot/bike too especially at night. Everyone within a mile would hear the car.
Have you spoken to your neighbors about this? If they don't see things the way you do this may very well be impossible.
At least with the car, you may be heard, but you're much safer. Even without wing mirrors. You're encased in at least one tonne of steel. May make a good weapon....