I find myself agreeing with Mort far too much lately, maybe because we have a historical "bent". All previous civilisations have had one thing in common, that is a level of technology simple enough for people to be in control of most of their daily needs if that civilisation collapses. We are in a situation now where we are so specialised that it is virtually impossible to realise our level of technology without the infrastructure to support it. Whereas in the past a state might fall, Babylon, Assyria and Rome etc, the effect was short lived because it only affected that single state. We are so interconnected now that the whole world will be effected if our civilisation collapses. We have built a monumental house of cards held together by worldwide connections that are very fragile to disruption. The Earth only has resources for advanced technological civilisation to be a one time event, Mother nature very rarely gives you two bites of the Cherry. We either sort these problems out or we are going to lose it all. Using my Archaeology eyes, I like to remind people that this new fangled "civilisation" thing has only been around for 5000 years or so (depending what you call civilisation) and for over 90% of our time on this planet we lived as hunter gatherers. I am pretty confident that even if we lose it all we will survive as a species, but for how long no one can tell, as it is also wise to know that over 90% of all species that have ever existed on Earth have become extinct. I really do miss the Mammoth