RE: Farm Animal Conundrum
TH, you've highlighted one of my other thoughts.
We were at Longleat a little while ago and the guy on the talking tour system said about how the lions have adapted and are thriving in our climate...GULP! Time to get that FAC and SGC sent off, if you have not already!
There will possibly be those nutty-animal-rights groups that will use a SHTF scenario to set zoo animals free. Granted many will not last through the first heavy winter. But there will be some that will thrive.
One issue I have wondered about, as much as I agree about the animals getting out and surviving well, then reverting to original/feral ways, I see one problem. Them actually escaping in the first place. More likely, in my eyes, is the chance that people will go into a field, close the gate behind them, and kill everything in the field for food. Either that or something along those lines. Because they're already captive, the chances of them being able to escape is low.
It would make more sense to start knocking down the barriers to their escape (I sound like one of those animal rights nutters now). Unless they are allowed to escape, I do not see a way they can go feral and survive. If they stay in their fields, with fences and gates, they're sitting ducks and will be simply picked off by 'the horde' that are passing through. For this reason, I think it may well be in the interest of the prepper to assist the escapology-act of certain species into the wild.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin