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It doesn't always go to plan
15 May 2014, 08:09,
RE: It doesn't always go to plan
Hi there, Rob, I sympathise. I had a row of peas that just keeled over. On closer inspection I found they had been chewed off at ground level. It sounds like you have a pest problem, as opposed to an errant spray. There are so many little beasties out there waiting for a free feed. There are weevily things that attack the root system in brassicas - you don't know they are there until your plant wilts. We have a slug problem at the moment, but I'm keeping it under control with non-toxic anti-slug granules. You can get a liquid that acts as a systemic pest killer - you just make it up and water the area - it penetrates the ground and kills off pest infestations. I forget the name, but I'll try and find it. It's not just slugs that attack green things - there are all sorts of plant hoppers. Do you spray for pests? I'm not keen on chemical control, but if it's a choice between getting something to eat or not, I'll spray. There are a couple of "eco" mixes you can use, and of course good old soapy water works as well.

Good luck, and hoping you manage to get things going. The upcoming warm weather should help with the slug problem.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Messages In This Thread
It doesn't always go to plan - by Geordie_Rob - 13 May 2014, 13:31
RE: It doesn't always go to plan - by T-oddity - 13 May 2014, 16:03
RE: It doesn't always go to plan - by MaryN - 14 May 2014, 21:41
RE: It doesn't always go to plan - by MaryN - 15 May 2014, 08:09
RE: It doesn't always go to plan - by TOF - 24 May 2014, 09:58
RE: It doesn't always go to plan - by Steve - 24 May 2014, 11:53
RE: It doesn't always go to plan - by Jace - 27 May 2014, 05:48

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