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Lyme's Disease
21 May 2014, 16:09,
RE: Lyme's Disease
Girl who cuts my hair has Lyme disease. Picked it up a couple of years ago from a tick, and can't get rid of it. It affects her central nervous system, giving symptoms similar to ME; extreme fatigue, numbness, chronic pain, etc. Not nice.

I'm lucky; ticks don't seem to like me. You still won't catch me in our woodland without boots and long trousers on though. And I always take a bug-proof shelter if wild-camping, especially up here in Scotland.

Check this out:
[Image: ticks_on_dogs_2.jpg]

Found on the net. Shows what can happen if you let ticks get the upper hand.
Find a resilient place and way to live, then sit back and watch a momentous period in history unfold.

Messages In This Thread
Lyme's Disease - by Devonian - 21 May 2014, 10:06
RE: Lyme's Disease - by bigpaul - 21 May 2014, 10:14
RE: Lyme's Disease - by Scythe13 - 21 May 2014, 12:20
RE: Lyme's Disease - by Tarrel - 21 May 2014, 16:09
RE: Lyme's Disease - by Jonas - 21 May 2014, 18:17
RE: Lyme's Disease - by CharlesHarris - 23 May 2014, 15:19

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