RE: What Smaller Scale Issues are you Prepping for?
Throwing an old English proverb back at you;
"Take care of the pennies and the pounds will follow."
Prepping for the small intrusions on life is matter or fact. I deal with those things on a daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal basis. Fire, storm, flood, drought, blizzard, they are facts of life for me and not imaginary illusions.
I prep for the "smaller issues" as if my life depended on it, because often that is the case. Every year people die over here, in large numbers, due to ill preparations for these "smaller issues".
It dies not matter if the "Issue" is small or large, DEAD IS DEAD!
TEOTWAWKI, SHTF, WOROL are imaginary games which have happened in neither of our countries in over 1000 years and I do not expect to see Rome pulling the empires protective troops off our borders any time soon.
The person that is set up to survive a 48 hour power cut will make it through a 72 hour power cut with only a small bit of thought. The person that is set up to endure a 2 week power outage in mid-winter will be the same guy that is still around at the end of the month or well into the "end of the world" scenario.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.