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TOF & BoB's Big Bug Out May 2014!
25 May 2014, 09:14,
RE: TOF & BoB's Big Bug Out May 2014!
Wet-up :-) oops, sorry. Clumsy typing....w &s are very close on the keyboard...

Comment on coms: Very good setup you have there for long distance coms, and of course you had ability to tune in to world wide broadcast stations across the short wave bands. If you do another Bug Out like this, could you try out a low doublet antenna to see how well it's work for inter-UK using NVIS during day and night? Something like a G5RV Jr. would give a god account of itself.

( for non radio people G5RV details here )

Comment on Rabbits. With such a large number of bunnies about, the best way to have caught some would have been by snaring. Snares could have been set up and left overnight. This is often the most efficient way to hunt them...... HYPOTHETICALLY of course :-)
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out

Messages In This Thread
RE: TOF & BoB's Big Bug Out May 2014! - by TOF - 21 May 2014, 22:26
RE: TOF & BoB's Big Bug Out May 2014! - by Lightspeed - 25 May 2014, 09:14

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