RE: Question for home loaders?
I shoot a LOT of black powder in both cartridge and Muzzle loading guns.
There are a couple of things you have to keep in mind if using black powder.
1. BP can not have an air space in the load. Every cartridge case must be full to capacity. Air space might cause a blow up.
2. BP works best when slightly compressed. Fill the case to the top, sit the bullet on the powder and compress the load as you seat the bullet.
As for use in gas operated firearms, it can be done but fouling will occur rapidly, as Charles stated. Which does not mean the firearm will not work, it means that one would have to operate the firearm manually, just like a bolt action weapon.
If you are using a pump, single or double shotgun you will never know the difference. Bolt action rifle will suffer a decrease in power level, but still be usable and deadly.
Your famed .303 started life as a BP cartridge! Also your .380 revolver cartridges in the Enfield and Webly pistols, so one might say GB started off WW2 using BP era cartridges.
The great big cases like the .303/30-06/7.62x54 will maintain good power levels with BP. Right at 2,000fps with a heavy 175 grain slug. Plenty for defense or non-dangerous big game.
Some cases, such as the .38 special, simply duplicate the original black powder loading as factory standard load! Almost any 38 special revolver will shoot to the sights with either standard factory load or a case full of BP and a 158 grain lead bullet squished on top.
Reloaded BP rounds are also excellent fodder for improvised firearms, since their power curve is slower and the weaker steels will endure longer. No dramatic fear of blowing oneself up with a BP zip-gun.
BP also has a lower flash point than modern smokeless powders and is better to use if one is using rebuilt or improvised primers. Any weak pop will ignite the charge.
BP also works well as a primer for larger charges of less volatile substances of nitrate ad other bases if one finds it necessary to blow a stump out of the ground or other such prepper type activity.
It is good stuff to keep on hand.
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