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What Global Risks?
22 June 2014, 18:46,
RE: What Global Risks?
A very interesting and far reaching question.

Nuclear Terrorism, Bio Terrorism, E.M.P or maybe just a good old fashioned outbreak of H1N1.

But, fear kills more. Fear causes non-action, it causes once sympathetic and caring countries to turn to isolation as they try to protect themselves.
The Black Death may have reduced the World’s Population by 20% - between 75 & 100 million. So what country wants to send in medical help to battle that disease with all the fear the name conjures up.
H1N1 took care of between 3% and 5% of the world’s population between 1918 and 1920, between 50 and 100 million.

What about a terrorist organization operation in this country? It would have a devastating effect on the country by deliberately infecting livestock with Foot and Mouth disease.
Easily manufactured I’m told.
In the 2001 outbreak in this country over 10 million sheep and cattle were destroyed.
And it still spread abroad, with the Netherlands eventually slaughtering at least 250 million cattle.

Now one event might be unlikely to bring a EOTWAWKI situation, but what about a disease and an EMP?

Travel restricted, comms, power transport and all 20th century technology down in this country. And a disease.

Who we gonna call then?
Still Learning!

Messages In This Thread
What Global Risks? - by Scythe13 - 17 June 2014, 22:27
RE: What Global Risks? - by CharlesHarris - 18 June 2014, 00:38
RE: What Global Risks? - by bigpaul - 18 June 2014, 09:02
RE: What Global Risks? - by Scythe13 - 18 June 2014, 09:19
RE: What Global Risks? - by bigpaul - 18 June 2014, 09:19
RE: What Global Risks? - by Tarrel - 18 June 2014, 09:44
RE: What Global Risks? - by bigpaul - 18 June 2014, 09:49
RE: What Global Risks? - by Devonian - 18 June 2014, 09:53
RE: What Global Risks? - by bigpaul - 18 June 2014, 10:02
RE: What Global Risks? - by Scythe13 - 18 June 2014, 10:03
RE: What Global Risks? - by bigpaul - 18 June 2014, 10:15
RE: What Global Risks? - by Devonian - 18 June 2014, 10:34
RE: What Global Risks? - by bigpaul - 18 June 2014, 11:07
RE: What Global Risks? - by Jace - 19 June 2014, 05:59
RE: What Global Risks? - by Mortblanc - 20 June 2014, 04:28
RE: What Global Risks? - by bigpaul - 20 June 2014, 07:55
RE: What Global Risks? - by iaaems - 20 June 2014, 08:00
RE: What Global Risks? - by CharlesHarris - 20 June 2014, 17:37
RE: What Global Risks? - by Rubismardi - 22 June 2014, 18:46

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