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The Importance of Maintaining a Presentable Appearance after SHTF.
28 June 2014, 18:44,
RE: The Importance of Maintaining a Presentable Appearance after SHTF.
These broad generalizations are greatly misleading.

We are not supposed to base our opinions on looks today but SHTF we will/can/should?

How about my blue haired grandson? He's a good kid but looks scary as hell!

Military cleanliness is to prevent disease carrying body lice, fleas and ticks, as was stated already. WW2 was the first war we fought where we lost more people in combat than to disease.

Situation also has an affect. I remember going on patrols and wearing the same duds for 2-6 weeks, no shaves, no showers. We would have been considered a disgrace on the parade ground but were a highly effective unit because we could endure the filth and misery and accomplish our missions.

I know that there are days when I am working around my place and at day's end I look like I have rolled in crap. Sometimes I have actually rolled in crap, it's part of farm life. Just attempt to clean a chicken house and remain neat and clean! I have to clean up before I enter the house!

I wear ragged clothes because I don't want to ruin my good togs while working, and I often do not shave until the end of the day when I know there is heavy work ahead. Do all the clean up at once.

Average day like today, when I drove to the village for stock feed first thing I am clean, neat and well trimmed, but I am doing some remodeling and I will again look like crap before the end of the night.

The guy I am worried about is the one I do not see at all, until it is too late!
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RE: The Importance of Maintaining a Presentable Appearance after SHTF. - by Mortblanc - 28 June 2014, 18:44

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